Monthly Archives: July 2014

Graduation Countdown: Dinesh van den Berg

Hello everyone I am a long time illustrator, writer and concept artist.

I am a huge animation and comic nerd! After graduating from the Royal Academy of Fine art and trying to get my foot in the door within the comic and graphic industry. Being a lover of cartoons and movies animation was the most logical next step.

Draan trailer pic 1 03

For my graduation project I have chosen to make an animated trailer for my very own graphic novel: “Drakan”. To me this was a great opportunity to advertize and show off the skills I acquired during my fun time at St Joost. I chose to make a trailer because I have always loved watching game and movie trailers, and the trailers I have seen for comics I feel are lacking in many places. I hope to step in up a notch.

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My project is a combination of both Adobe After Effects and Tvpaint. Using the suspenseful poses from the worls of comics and the energetic and expressive motions of cartoons.








Hi! My names Samantha. I’m a professional illustrator and soon to be animator. After 7 years of freelancing, I thought it a good idea to pimp my skills and add animation to my belt; offering me more job opportunities in this technological, multimedia world.

I have always loved animation and being a character based illustrator, animation has been an enjoyable step in my career, bringing life to my characters.

For my graduation project i decided to take the opportunity to make an animation which would stretch my story development skills and allow me to play with my dark and quirky sense of humour.

My animation is being made with a combination of Adobe photoshop and After effects. A mix of already existing skill and new ones learnt during the last school year. It will be an animated rhyming couplet  about the Boogie man who has a career change and becomes the Tooth fairy.

Below are a few screen shots and a shot from the animation so far.

If you are curious about the making of my animation and my trials and tribulations of the last school year, take a look at my ‘Making of’ Blog and see what I have been up to.

s-Boy-puppet s-Boogie-Puppet s-Bedroom screen shot Screen Shot 2014-07-10 at 18.14.27 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 15.18.47 Screen Shot 2014-07-02 at 11.17.44Bedroom-01 Houses Fairy land background

Graduation countdown: Lisan Peters

In preparation of the upcoming Master Graduation Exposition in Chassé, each week one of the students will introduce themselves and their work.

Hi there! I am LisanLisan Peters Peters, a student from this years MA Animation course. In a few words I hope to give you an insight in my graduation project and how I got here. I studied Communication & Multimedia Design, which is quite a broad study. Luckily in my second year I came in touch with animation, and knew that this was the path I wanted to follow. But still, after I graduated I wanted to learn more of animation as a profession. That’s why I applied for this course.

And now for my graduation project, I decided to go for a technique that was completely new for me: hand drawn animation, or as you might say frame by frame animation. This was a great challenge, but since I wanted to improve my drawing skills I decided to go for it. I created a story around two characters, who soon became known as The Man and The Woman. Though the characters live in seperate worlds, they seem to be strangly connected to each other. I came up with the story thinking of all the things we might miss during the day, since we are not able to capture everything all the time. We might miss a little miracle that is happening right in front of us..

If you by any chance became a little curious about my project, you can watch the preview below. And of course I will also be presenting my animation at the exhibition on August 28, in Chasse.

If you are definitely a curious type, you may want to follow the making of process on my blog

Graduation Countdown: Isabelle Kniestedt

In preparation of the upcoming Master Graduation Exposition in Chassé, each week one of the students will introduce themselves and their work.

profile_adjustedHello everyone! My name is Isabelle and I am one of the students who participated in the MA Animation course this year. I obtained my bachelor degree at the International Game Architecture and Design course at the NHTV in Breda. Here I learned how to make 3D models and animation for video games. It should therefore be no surprise that instead of making an animated short as my graduation project, I opted to make an application instead.

In recent years a new type of app, the “interactive storybook”, has grown in numbers on tablet devices. These digital books aimed at children use animation, games and interactivity to enhance stories. Intrigued by this form of entertainment and its possibilities I devoted my research to it and designed my own.

In order to make this project happen I had to teach myself some new skills, not the least of which was programming. To not have to spend all my time behind a computer screen I also decided to use watercolors for creating my artwork. Using Photoshop I manipulate these watercolor drawings into textures which I then bring into the Unity game engine. Characters are rigged and animated in Autodesk Maya and then also brought into Unity. Using Javascript scripts everything is brought together into an actual app.


There is still a lot of work for me to finish over the summer, but I look forward to demonstrating the final result to you at the exposition! If you wish to follow my progress in the meantime, I will be posting updates over here: